Ships Song circa 1973

Ships Song circa 1973

This is the story of our DDG

Written by FTG1 Comes 1973

“to the tune of Snoopy and the Red Barron”


This is the story of our DDG

How we fight and sweat when we’re out at sea

We support our troops though the job is long

And we’re praying for peace in Viet Nam


The orders came down Load to the trays

Then we trained our guns and started firing away

Someone yelled “counter battery”

The Cong were shooting at our DDG



Twenty, Thirty, Forty rounds came through the air

Some men trembled, some men started to swear

The ship turned around and we headed for sea

But we kept on firing at the enemy


For ten long minutes we continued to run

Saying our prayers to the mighty one

He must have been watching our ship that day

When the smoke was clear we had gotten away



Twenty, Thirty, Forty rounds came through the air

Some men trembled, some men started to swear

The ship turned around and we headed for sea

But we kept on firing at the enemy


Now we can laugh and we can rest

That’s one more time we came out best

But we all know what the orders say

We will do it again another day


So That is the story of our DDG

How we fight and sweat when we’re out at sea

We support our troops though the job is long

And we’re praying for peace in Viet Nam